Saturday, January 21, 2012

Thing 3 and Digital ADD

I've avoided Twitter for a long time, preferring to keep up with people and news through my iGoogle pages and Facebook. I've done it, though. I've signed up for Twitter and am following some of the same people whose blogs I read.  One of my colleagues has been tweeting enthusiastically for quite a while so I'm following him, too.  I'm one of those old-fashioned critters who doesn't have a smart phone so I do my social media reading on my home computer-- even though the requisite brevity of tweets seems best suited for phones..  Now I'm overloaded with tweets.

As you read blogs and tweets and those old-fashioned email messages, do you feel the weight of information overload?  Today I read an email message that Dee sent with a link to this Common Core post:   That led to the ALA crosswalk of Common Core and information literacy standards.  That led to the ZooBurst 3D pop-up books site. I haven't done my Thing 2 assignment so I started playing with ZooBurst.  Then I checked Facebook (because it was open) and  a friend's posts about ALA Midwinter. I looked at Twitter and saw some of the suggestions my first grade colleague recommended.  I moved on to some blogs...aarrghhh!  I think I'm suffering from digital ADD!

Why don't I just read my most recent Horn Book -- in print?      


  1. Janice, I just read your post and enjoyed your comments, digital ADD, now there's a new one! Your post lead me to check out ZooBurst (and so it goes), which by the way looks really fun. I bet some of your students would have a blast with it. I'll be looking for some from TAMA.

  2. I think I'm about to go follow that same path! I do this all the time too. One link leads to another to another.... I'm trying to discipline myself and not read everything right when I find it. If it looks like something useful for another project, I bookmark it in delicious. If there's a quote or an image that I want to save, I save it to Evernote. And if it's just an article that I think I need to read, I click on my Instapaper button and read it later. I'm still not totally there yet, but I'm trying to take back control. That said, I really want to go look at zooburst now!
